Whoever or whatever created us must have been incredibly complex for we are complex beings. Who can honestly say they understand everything about themselves or the human race?
As I write this I feel so many different emotions at first sadness then contentment happiness anger and back to happiness.
Will we ever reach a level of understanding that makes sense, why are there so many different states of mind to contend with, is it our mission to fight this constant battle with ourselves at times I began to think is this just me or is everyone fighting this battle, and I began to ask people I know and found we are all alike whether we believe it or not we all lose and gain things everyday in our lives. I have begun to wonder how much more I can lose and what if anything will I gain from these losses.
Why do I hide behind this screen why do I never say what I truly feel is it because whenever I say what I feel it always goes horribly wrong soon after.
Was it lost friends or lost enemies that started me feeling this way?
Why do I hold back these emotions is it because I don’t want to hurt people’s feeling’s or is it that I may be trying to hide the feelings from myself?
Why is it that even when I know things are going to happen they still shock me?
Do I not want people to know how I really feel because I am scared of how they or I will react? Maybe I don’t want them to see me cry. Maybe I am ashamed of myself.
© Ann Dempsey 2004

What is this place by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
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