As I sit quietly no sound but that of the late summer birds and the hum of traffic in the distance, the odd car passing the black painted gates.
I can feel it and see it summer is near, and yet all I can think of is her.
That vision of beauty and the mystery behind her.
The wispy clouds catch my attention, the birds soaring high in front of them, a plane approaching just a dot and a fading trail of vapour. I stare at the plane for what seems like hours mesmerised till it is out of sight, at first I could hear no sound from the craft but as it moves out of view I can hear the faint growl of an engine, I watch as the vapour slowly disappears, Like the memories people hold their own trail in life soon fades and people forget.
I’ve seen my life in a great new light these past few days, so close to death and wishing death, made me appreciate tomorrow for anything could happen, who knows you could meet the love of your life.
Friends and I mean the true variety not the fakes who use and abuse you are the most important thing to me, they are always there in the most troubled times and never leave you alone when you need them the most.
I hear the town’s clocks chiming 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Nine o’clock I look at the moon it’s still light and yet the moon bright and high in the sky is almost full but not quite there.
A thought has entered my mind, I glanced at the security alarms on most of the houses in this street and I begin to wonder…. When and how did people learn to steal? I bet no one knows. The street lamps flicker on glowing orange it’s not dark yet either, the lights ruin a beautiful night sky but no one takes note, not too many people take the time to stop and look at the night sky, so many millions of tiny stars millions of years old twinkling above, no one stops to think oh how beautiful. I used to make it a habit to lay in the dark and stare at the stars, wondering how many there were and how many were actually gone but still being projected to us.
The evening drawing into night begins to get chilly, I shiver longing for warmth but no room or peace to go in to so I sit here to finish this piece in the cool air, waiting for some serenity to arrive, when it does hopefully it will bring love and I will then and only then know true happiness.
© Ann Dempsey 2004

Engraved in my mind a random train of thought. by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
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