How did I see you?
Started drowning in your feelings,
I am suppressed within emotions,
Caressed by your devotion,
Loving your intentions, this sweet new invention,
You captivate me,
So step inside my mind,
Tip my thoughts upside down,
To make sense of my insanity,
Living in your eyes, your mind,
Your heart it tells no lies,
Keeping me a prisoner,
In this place of happy lairs,
Contentment lies within,
You captivate me,
So step inside my mind,
Tip my thoughts upside down,
To make sense of my insanity,
So dare me to reach inside of you,
Restart the heart that stopped,
When you forgot time,
Remembered all of me,
Take my hand walk on fire,
Feel free.
Living in your eyes, your mind,
Your heart it tells no lies,
Keeping me a prisoner,
In this place of happy lairs,
Contentment lies within,
You captivate me,
So step inside my mind,
Tip my thoughts upside down,
To make sense of my insanity,
Absorb into that, which is between the lines,
Feel that great attraction,
Calling you through the echoes of contorted and distorted dreams,
Nothing is ever as it seems.
© Ann Dempsey 2004

What Made You See Me by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.