Wednesday, 30 June 2010

What Made You See Me

What made you see me?
How did I see you?
Started drowning in your feelings,
I am suppressed within emotions,
Caressed by your devotion,
Loving your intentions, this sweet new invention,

You captivate me,
So step inside my mind,
Tip my thoughts upside down,
To make sense of my insanity,

Living in your eyes, your mind,
Your heart it tells no lies,
Keeping me a prisoner,
In this place of happy lairs,
Contentment lies within,

You captivate me,
So step inside my mind,
Tip my thoughts upside down,
To make sense of my insanity,

So dare me to reach inside of you,
Restart the heart that stopped,
When you forgot time,
Remembered all of me,
Take my hand walk on fire,
Feel free.

Living in your eyes, your mind,
Your heart it tells no lies,
Keeping me a prisoner,
In this place of happy lairs,
Contentment lies within,

You captivate me,
So step inside my mind,
Tip my thoughts upside down,
To make sense of my insanity,

Absorb into that, which is between the lines,
Feel that great attraction,
Calling you through the echoes of contorted and distorted dreams,
Nothing is ever as it seems.

© Ann Dempsey 2004

Creative Commons Licence
What Made You See Me by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Only You

You are my world
Life revolves around you
Cannot think cannot speak
Cannot sing about anything
But you

Only you only you
Can get me through
Can know the truth
Only you only you
Can give me love

So many other people
So why do I get the feeling
You are the one
Whether I like this feeling
Is not important

Only you only you
Can get me through
Can know the truth
Only you only you
Can give me love

Give me love
The love I need
True love, love that never dies
Love that cares
Love to hold my hand
Just your love

Only you only you
Can get me through
Can know the truth
Only you only you
Can give me love

© Ann Dempsey 2006

Creative Commons Licence
Only You by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Where Am I

Where have I gone?
I think I’m still here
Deep down inside
But I can’t break free

Imprisoned by passion
Imprisoned by fear
Imprisoned by my feelings
Held captive by emotions

What happened to me?
What happened to A.D?
Why did I die?
Why couldn’t I survive?
Why can’t I find myself?

Imprisoned by passion
Imprisoned by fear
Imprisoned by my feelings
Held captive by emotions

I shine through once in a while
Show my face
I know this me
This is my truth
This will not last
The moment I need to just be me
The curtains get drawn
And there’s no breaking free

Imprisoned by passion
Imprisoned by fear
Imprisoned by my feelings
Held captive by emotions

© Ann Dempsey 2005

Creative Commons Licence
Where Am I by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Deep, Deep ocean of despair
Takes me far from all I know
Deep Dark Ocean of madness
Holds me under drowns me in fear
Cold hearted laughing moon above sneers as I fade
Show me sunlight save me this night

You think you know me?
So where am I now? Can you save me?
Can you save me if you don’t know me?
Can I save myself? Free myself or just fade out
Do you even really know who you fight for?

Deep Ocean has me held bound in silence
Sadness fear laps over me
Bound in silence tied by fear
Deep Ocean has me drained, powerless
Lost alone defenceless
Can you save me if you don’t know me?

© Ann Dempsey 2006

Creative Commons Licence
Deep by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

I Can't Reach You

I didn’t get to tell you how great you were
I feel I didn’t make good use of our time
Were you so unhappy? Were you so sad?
Did you just get too curious?
Could anyone have helped you?
All my curiosities go unanswered I just can’t not know

Can’t you hear me I don’t understand why you went?
Why wasn’t it another prank why couldn’t it just be a joke?
It’s not it’s as real as I am here writing
I miss our random chats I miss your laugh your smile
I can’t get you back I can’t get you back

I can’t bring myself to clear your details
I still don’t want to believe you’re really gone
What happened to Plymouth, your dreams your plans
You’ve gone somewhere much further somewhere we can’t visit
No phone calls, no emails we can’t reach you I can’t reach you there!

©Ann Dempsey 2006

Creative Commons License
I Can't Reach You by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

What is this place

What is this place a place of torment or a place of bliss, I cannot say for it changes so quickly. We all feel it at some point utter confusion not knowing are we loving are we hating? Are we laughing or are we crying? It could and possibly has already been argued that all of this is just natural progression.
Whoever or whatever created us must have been incredibly complex for we are complex beings. Who can honestly say they understand everything about themselves or the human race?

As I write this I feel so many different emotions at first sadness then contentment happiness anger and back to happiness.

Will we ever reach a level of understanding that makes sense, why are there so many different states of mind to contend with, is it our mission to fight this constant battle with ourselves at times I began to think is this just me or is everyone fighting this battle, and I began to ask people I know and found we are all alike whether we believe it or not we all lose and gain things everyday in our lives. I have begun to wonder how much more I can lose and what if anything will I gain from these losses.
Why do I hide behind this screen why do I never say what I truly feel is it because whenever I say what I feel it always goes horribly wrong soon after.

Was it lost friends or lost enemies that started me feeling this way?
Why do I hold back these emotions is it because I don’t want to hurt people’s feeling’s or is it that I may be trying to hide the feelings from myself?

Why is it that even when I know things are going to happen they still shock me?
Do I not want people to know how I really feel because I am scared of how they or I will react? Maybe I don’t want them to see me cry. Maybe I am ashamed of myself.

© Ann Dempsey 2004

Creative Commons License
What is this place by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Saturday, 19 June 2010


Listen intently and look upon the horizon
Do you hear my voice do you see my eyes?
I spend my waking hours calling to you from afar
My dreaming hours are consumed in searching for a glimpse of you.

© Ann Dempsey 2010

Creative Commons License
Searching by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Just wasting time

So yes wasting my time here lol. Will be a poem for you all later on today.
I have been messing around on facebook and pal for a bit instead of writing more of my book, my muse has vanished if you are reading this where have u gone lol?

Have found a plug in for my IE that lets me listen to radio so now I am listening to BBC Asian network. Lol I have recently joined the fan page for Star Plus and Sasural Genda Phool on facebook I am beginning to wonder however if I might be the only non Indian person lol but i sooo don't care, I am learning Hindi though so every little helps. I am seriously just babbling now. I really should be getting on with the story and revising my Hindi alphabets.

I have nothing particularly funny to report... Oh except I went to the Chinese fish and chip shop last night and they notoriously scare me cos I went in one day and I honestly think the whole family came out of the back and stared at me lol I was only about 13 or 14. It was very uncomfortable but I do love their curry sauce and chips. But that is not the funny bit whilst trying to walk home burning my hands on the food cos they didn't give me a bag lol I tripped in my sandals on a twig lol and almost went head first into a stream but I saved myself. I hear u crying nooo it would have been far more funny had you have fallen lol sorry maybe next time guys lol.

well I'm signing off now poems later on xx

Friday, 18 June 2010

Please Don't Push Me Away

Tell me what you see
When you look at me
When you look into my eyes
Can you beat the disguise?

Can you see the hurt?
Can you see the pain?
Or is all you can see a happy face

When I look into your eyes
I can see through the disguise
All the hurt all the pain
Haunting you again

You smile as you say I’m ok
One look into your eyes
With a glimpse of your heart
I know its all a lie

No need to hide it all away
Listen to me when I say
I’m here for you to guide you through
Please don’t push me away.

© Ann Dempsey 2003

Creative Commons License
Please Don't Push Me Away by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

All Alone

All alone I cried myself to sleep I can’t do this
Dreamt of a happy place even that had hidden misery
They take all they can and leave me just to rot
I hide away and release my pain all alone
Conceal my tears in the pitch black

Slowly fading into nothing and no one to paint me back in
Left to fade in time to a mere shadow that no one recognises
All I had I gave to them to waste and abuse
The last few dregs of trust misplaced from friendship
A friendship used and abused is eventually lost forever

So I hide in the dark no one can see me cry
Not here not anywhere my weakness going un-noticed
My pain, searing deep through every major organ
Misery consumes my heart and soul my being
I stare into this mirror a stranger before me I see.

© Ann Dempsey October 2006

Creative Commons License
All Alone by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010


Roof tops glisten from the warm summer rain,
Sunshine reflecting the blissful tunes of the heart,
Birds fly high above the chimney stacks,
You look up wishing to join the peaceful flight.
Close your eyes and picture your flight.

Take my hand we’ll fly together,
High above the troubles we have no choice but to fight
Escape with me we’ll run far from the battle we live in,
Give happiness one last chance,
Take my hand happiness will find us once again

Clouds soar past us it’s as if time itself is passing us by,
Find the courage to seize the time we have,
No need to be afraid anymore we are free,
Pain is lost in history, happiness lives within us
Find it and embrace its light.

© Ann Dempsey 2007

Creative Commons License
Fly by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Well Ow!

So good morning I suppose lol. I was woken by a phone call at 9am not a bad time but with my useless sleep patterns at the moment it could easily have been 4am for all I knew. A phone call from India though which I always enjoy so I am in a bright mood today. I absolutely cannot remember why I started writing this, Oh yes waking up so abruptly gave me a headache and I have only just become un-zombied lol, hence the well ow title.

I thought I would just write down this stuff as a break from the poetry and to give myself a break from my just started book, I am not sure how this book will turn out yet, but I have had 2 good start comments from people I know so far. I won't be posting that on here but I will keep you all updated. I am having to push myself to actually sit down and write more each day lol, I have a wonderful new friend she knows who she is, who manages to make me get on and do it, maybe a muse of sorts?

Well I will sign off now because in my usual manner I am sat writing this procrastinating instead of 1. getting myself ready for the day 2. writing at least another page of my story 3. Tidying my pit of a room.

Hope you all arent too bored by my very random posting lol.
good day to all x

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Glass Half Empty

Is the glass half empty?
Or is it half full
For me its now empty
Are you happy now?

You have drained my life
Of all happiness
Nothing left but sadness
You have drained my life of love and trust

Will I again see happiness?
I may have found it
But its love I can’t keep
I thought id found love
But now I feel cheap

© Ann Dempsey 2003

One of my now quite old pieces more of these to come this time was around the time i first started writing so probably not so great but i know some of you will enjoy these xx

Creative Commons License
Glass Half Empty by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Something that does not help my creative juices lol

update on my lack of inspiration, tip: do not light incense right next to your desk chair lol choking has most certainly stopped my poems this evening lol. As much as I LOVE incense as everyone who knows me will certainly be aware of, tonight I am very much unhappy with it lol I think I can actually taste it, i would go into detail about what scent it is but I really do not know i have a habit of going into the little shop where they sell incense, candles, gemstones, crystals, hemp clothing etc and picking up a handful of assorted incense sticks without looking to see what they are.

Needless to say I will now be more careful where I place my incense lol. pointless blog here but i felt the need to let you all know my random little mistakes which is despite the choking making me giggle.

Parallel Reincarnation?

Hmm so not a poem today yet although I am looking at what to post in the poetry sense later.

I was sitting in my hallway and could hear the TV show my dad was watching in the sitting room, some programme exploring the scientific possibilities of parallel universes etc. Science like this does tend to attract my attention easily, but the strangest thought occurred to me.

Over the past few days reincarnation has been playing on my mind and this show on TV suddenly made me think is reincarnation across different parallel universes possible if they exist and if reincarnation does exist obviously. I personally believe both to be in existence. Something to ponder though don't you think?

Also this morning on the reincarnation topic again my brain confused me again by producing a thought of reincarnation from the future, I think my poor brain needs to rest more lol its throwing out all these random theories however it has indeed given me food for thought in my new venture of story writing!

© Ann Dempsey

Creative Commons License
Parallel Reincarnation? by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Oceans Flight

Softly the hidden lights silently touch our night
Found you and so then dreamed of the oceans flight
Cannot describe the love for freedom
Cannot describe the want of you
Your gentle breeze like a butterfly soothes me
Take me for that ocean flight through a starry moonlit night.

© Ann Dempsey 2007

Creative Commons License
Oceans Flight by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Saturday, 12 June 2010


So today I am a little blank. So no poetry today although I have tons of archived stuff that I could post I am just not feeling them today. Ideally I would like to give something new.

So maybe this evening after england have played USA in the footy and I have had my weekly dose of doctor who, maybe then I will feel inspired to write something otherwise I will be searching for inspiration using writers block challenges lol.

I do hope whoever out there who may be reading my poetry entries are enjoying them? Please feel free to give feedback be it positive or negative of course negative try to make it constructive criticism. Lol

Well thats my little explanation of the day I am now off to think somewhere.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Caramel Breeze

Listen, you for caramel breeze
from raw poison life plays every worry
Secret desires to their moments
above present peace to want your smile
Lips breath voice warm
come less wild from that blind symphony

© Ann Dempsey 2005

Creative Commons License
Caramel Breeze by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Engraved in my mind a random train of thought.

She’s engraved in my mind like a message in stone, I can honestly say I would die if it meant being by her side.
As I sit quietly no sound but that of the late summer birds and the hum of traffic in the distance, the odd car passing the black painted gates.
I can feel it and see it summer is near, and yet all I can think of is her.
That vision of beauty and the mystery behind her.

The wispy clouds catch my attention, the birds soaring high in front of them, a plane approaching just a dot and a fading trail of vapour. I stare at the plane for what seems like hours mesmerised till it is out of sight, at first I could hear no sound from the craft but as it moves out of view I can hear the faint growl of an engine, I watch as the vapour slowly disappears, Like the memories people hold their own trail in life soon fades and people forget.

I’ve seen my life in a great new light these past few days, so close to death and wishing death, made me appreciate tomorrow for anything could happen, who knows you could meet the love of your life.

Friends and I mean the true variety not the fakes who use and abuse you are the most important thing to me, they are always there in the most troubled times and never leave you alone when you need them the most.
I hear the town’s clocks chiming 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Nine o’clock I look at the moon it’s still light and yet the moon bright and high in the sky is almost full but not quite there.

A thought has entered my mind, I glanced at the security alarms on most of the houses in this street and I begin to wonder…. When and how did people learn to steal? I bet no one knows. The street lamps flicker on glowing orange it’s not dark yet either, the lights ruin a beautiful night sky but no one takes note, not too many people take the time to stop and look at the night sky, so many millions of tiny stars millions of years old twinkling above, no one stops to think oh how beautiful. I used to make it a habit to lay in the dark and stare at the stars, wondering how many there were and how many were actually gone but still being projected to us.
The evening drawing into night begins to get chilly, I shiver longing for warmth but no room or peace to go in to so I sit here to finish this piece in the cool air, waiting for some serenity to arrive, when it does hopefully it will bring love and I will then and only then know true happiness.

© Ann Dempsey 2004

Creative Commons License
Engraved in my mind a random train of thought. by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

My Rock

A rock steadfast in the rock pool; is her
A star a fixed point in my night sky; is her
The sun always there although sometimes hidden; is her.
The gentle summer breeze she is such a relief from the heat of my days.

© Ann Dempsey 2010

Creative Commons License
My Rock by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Emotional Duct Tape

She is broken inside if only duct tape was made for hearts and souls.
She would wrap herself in the tape every time her soul was crushed
Every time her heart was smashed to bits.
She worries that with each break inside pain will seep to the surface
The pain will consume her outer extremities is it possible?
Already her thoughts have been changed by the inner pain she feels
Numbness often seeps through when faced with situation that should bring intense emotion.
The lines on her face deepening with every stab into her heart and soul.
She sits and wonders if people see how hurt she really is.
She cannot hide this pain forever it will reach the surface but with what consequences?

© Ann Dempsey 2010

Creative Commons License
Emotional Duct Tape by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.

Sunday, 6 June 2010


The cool breeze washes over me as if I were lying in the path of a cool tide.
I imagine I am lying on the hot sand on a summers day dreaming of you.
The waves lapping at my toes making me shudder now and then.
The waves, the breeze could almost be your touch bringing me to life.

© Ann Dempsey 2010

Creative Commons License
Senses by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.


These merging sufferings and lies creating a silence swimming deeper than you know.
You once bathed in these wrapping yourself in their twisted comfort.
Little did you realise how transparent your shields had become.
How unaware you were of the dangerous restlessness that was to present itself.
My friend you could not see you had become a stranger even to yourself.

© Ann Dempsey 2010

Creative Commons License
merging by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Some one told me I should begin blogging a few weeks ago, as they read some of my poetry and random trains of thought.
I didnt really pay attention, until today when I thought hey why not, as I read another friends blog and thought yes maybe I should let people see my inner thoughts even if as I suspect, they make little sense. Lol

So here I begin blogging my poetry etc I do hope it will be enjoyed by someone anyone! lol
Creative Commons License
the deepening tides of my mind and soul by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.