Your truth is within you and can be only discovered by you.
I cannot help you on this quest, I can only support.
I will be your crutch at points but you must not rely on me always.
You must learn to walk alone rediscover your independence.
My forever friend, do you know how it scares me?
Scares me to think of a world without you in it
My help my care can only do so much
You need to want to help yourself dear friend
I need you to be strong and find your courage to battle on.
I am always here, always near you know this
So lean on me when you need to
I cannot bear to see you so troubled by the world and its atrocities
This world is a beauty despite humanities faults, look further
Look out upon this world and think what you could miss if you give in to the pain.
Be strong my dearest friend, love is around you
Love hides in many forms but you are always surrounded by warmth of many.
Pain is natural but love can engulf it and turn it to bliss
I know this from my own pain and suffering
You will emerge triumphant from this terrifying saga just please fight.
© Ann Dempsey 2010

The Fight by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
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