My idea of what a family is: A group of people who love you, care for you, worry for you and are there for you when you need them. Biological bonds do not always create a family atmosphere or feeling, some families act like complete strangers never speaking to one an other, some are enemies with no love for each other, no care no positive feelings toward each other. Can these types of Biological families really be called a family at all?
I am lucky I have a wonderful family some live close by others live in various countries around the world. Although some of us have never met face to face we seem to do well at keeping in touch more so since the Internet appeared. But even before that we had phone calls at Christmas, letters or card throughout the year and such. Always asking how everyone is and worrying if someone is unwell we all communicate well with each other wherever possible.
Then I have my really close friends, the ones I feel like I am related to like sisters or brothers in some cases by the way certain friends have taken care of me in the past even parental roles have appeared. They have always been there for me just like my family through thick and thin, and I have always tried to be there for them I have worried for them I love them and I would do anything for them.
More recently I re entered the RPG world online, I used to play WoW and slipped out of it a year or so ago. But I found I was missing that kind of interaction with people. So I joined another site. I wont say what site but those of you who do know will have heard all about it ha ha. But within this virtual reality I have joined a clan/family and it really is just like having a family, they look out for each other, they care whats going on with other people in game and I imagine in some cases in real life too.
So I do think it is possible to feel part of many different families be they biological or not. So long as those around give you a feeling of family and you feel close to them, maybe in some cases even closer than a biological family, can they then not be described as family?
What are the other opinions out there do you all think the title of family is just reserved for parents, siblings, guardians?
© Ann Dempsey 2010

Family Ties by Ann Dempsey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.